Beaut Ute Competition
Do you or someone you know have a BEAUT UTE? Our annual competition (in loving memory of Jed ‘Clampett’ Suckling and dedicated to all kinds of utes) is on once again at this years show… and we’re putting the call out for all Town Utes, Rural Utes, Chick’s Utes, B&S Utes, 4×4 Utes and Utes with a Boot to attend on the day. Utes to be at the showground and on display by 10am with judging taking place soon after.
Come and stick your ute in our show – cash prizes up for grabs which you can spend at the bar! If you plan to drink, please don’t drive your BEAUT UTE home… parking is free, entry into the comp is just $5 per class and you can enter in multiple classes to stack up that prize money. You beauty!
- 1st Prize $50
- 2nd Prize $20
…for each of the following classes + perpetual & token trophy for people’s choice:
- Town Ute
- Rural Ute
- Chick’s Ute
- B&S Ute
- 4×4 Ute
- Ute with a Boot