Retro Wedding Dress Parade
Imagine getting married in 1859. Fashion, body shape, dress size, gender roles and even the definition of marriage certainly has changed over the years. Whilst we do have access to some 19th century wedding dresses, they’re far too delicate to wear on showday, so we’re starting with a fabulous dress from 1948 and then moving “through the years” including some other items showcasing the unique fashion trends from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s – many such trends have come back today!
We’re on the hunt for models to continue to the local tradition of a Fashion Parade of Historical Wedding Dresses. Given the smaller sizes of many of these outfits, and the fact that we can only dress one model per dress (it takes quite a while to get into some of them) we need at least 20 models and helpers on the day! If you have an interest in parades and especially if you know someone who is smaller in size (height is not so much an issue), we could really use your help. This is great work experience for any young person interested in the fabulous world of fashion. We are 100% inclusive and will find a role for anyone who wants to participate.